Thursday, October 31, 2019

Preferential Liberalization to Trade in Services Research Proposal

Preferential Liberalization to Trade in Services - Research Proposal Example On the hand, the broad possibilities of trade make it easy on the multilateral trade facilitation basing on clarification on the eradication and omitting of the measures which enhance trade facilitation activities. Hence, the economic outlook on the binding norms and standards on important impediments to trade facilitation ended rising to (Mattoo 2002) different question on the border procedures making it hard and challenging. Additionally, the various moves to ease unnecessary costs of the applied rules and regulation of trade facilitation on tariffs. According to the report conducted to encroach on the crucial matters such as health food safety thus, public are created awareness of health and environmental changes towards risks brought by trade facilitation. On the other front, tariffs are regarded as a substitute for border measures that are quantitative limitations on other instruments that are aimed to economic implication on trade. Tariffs are viewed to keep on incurring extra costs, therefore, inhibiting cross-border trade in the course of duplicative and multiplication requirements whereby duplication necessary does not have common results liked the other standards rather they become national laws if enacted. Thus, the varieties of national regulatory prerequisite are in compliance with duplication (Maur 2011). According to researcher Sengupta 2008, he depicted trade facilitation as preferably deal which leads to certain transaction costs and hurling services thus economic transportation cost is reduced due to a steady and fast growth of technology that spends on transportation infrastructure and the cost sustained have been lowered. While in trade facilitation technology advancement has lead to merchandise trade in their value of goods reducing the revenue in early years.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

King Aegeus - Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

King Aegeus Greek Mythology Essay Even though many believe mythology was written just to satisfy, it actually serves as an explanation. These tales written by Ancient Greeks were not written just to entertain, but for a purpose. Mythology is an important factor which helps discover secrets of our race. Using these myths, natural phenomena is explained, morality is taught, and man’s greatest hopes and deepest fears are revealed. Still today these stories are looked at to explain everyday events. An example of mythology unlocking keys to the human race is when natural phenomena is explained. In the story of Theseus, his father, King Aegeus, kills himself and falls into a body of water which is now known as the Aegean Sea (Hamilton 152). King Aegeus shows the love he has for Theseus by committing suicide when he believes his beloved son was killed in the Labrynith. The Greeks celebrate his life by naming the Aegean Sea after him. In addition to this incidence, the explanation of seasons is given using the tale of Demeter, â€Å"Demeter did not refuse, poor comfort though it was that she must lose Persephone for four months every year and her young loveliness go down to the world of the dead,† (Hamilton 53). When Demeter is without her daughter, whom she loves dearly, for four months, she becomes very unhappy. As a result of her depression, the earth becomes cold for this time period, thus making the season of winter. Certainly mythology is a great source of justification for the unexplainable. Not only does mythology explain natural phenomena, it also teaches morality in many of the myths. For example, in the story of Daedalus, he warns his son not to fly too high because the heat of the sun will melt the glue on his wings and he will fall, but Icarus gets caught up with having the ability to fly, disregards his father’s advice, and ends up falling into the sea (Hamilton 139-140). The moral portrayed in the story is that children need to obey their elders, for they have more life experiences and wisdom. When Icarus does not listen to his father, fate is not kind to him. Another situation that depicts a significant lesson is the one that takes place in Perseus’s story when Queen Cassiopeia boasts her daughter, Andromeda, to be more beautiful than the daughters of Nereus. This angers the gods and they send a man eating serpent to Ethiopia which can only be freed by the sacrifice of Andromeda (Hamilton 146). The message of this myth is that being prideful is dangerous and can cause people to perform harmful actions towards the boasting party. Often times, individuals are proud of what they have and flaunt their possessions for attention, when it is better to just sit quiet and let others realize it themselves. Clearly, the morals taught in mythology were relevant to life then and are still relevant in life today. The final function mythology serves is being able to explore man’s greatest hopes and deepest fears. This is displayed in Thisbe and Pyramus’s tale when their ashes are put together in the urn so that they will be together forever (Hamilton 103). In life, it is one’s dream to be with their loved one for as long as they are alive. It is very common when a couple dies that they want to be buried together in the hopes that even death will not be able to separate them. Friendship is a relationship similar to marriage that is highly valued and is demonstrated when Hercules leaves the Argonauts to go look for his best friend, Hylas (Hamilton 120). It is not like Hercules to abandon such a journey that would make him even look even more heroic, but his friendship with Hylas takes priority over the voyage for the Golden Fleece. The force present in friendship is so strong that one will do almost anything for the other. Without a doubt mythology provides many of examples of man’s greatest hopes and deepest fears. Obviously mythology can be used in many ways to explain everyday happenings. Whether it is natural phenomena, morality, or man’s hopes and fears, mythology plays an important role. The mythological stories, written by the ancient Greeks, often parallel events that happen today. Studying more in depth of these myths might lead to a better perception of life now. Work Cited Hamilton, Edith. Mythology Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. New York: Penguin Group, 1940. Print. 13-315.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Taboo Words And Their Treatment In Dictionaries

Taboo Words And Their Treatment In Dictionaries Taboo words are a part of language that is supposed to be avoided at all times, but are nevertheless used in practice. Most taboo words originate from taboo acts. Dictionaries have special labels for taboo words which warn the users that taboo words are not acceptable. Taboo words in dictionaries are defined in patterns which make them seem less offensive, and provide an alternative for them. Only taboo words which are considered to be the least offensive have example sentences in their entries in dictionaries. The most offensive group of taboo words are taboo words related to sexuality. Inconsistencies in labelling between dictionaries prove that the negative connotations of taboo words are not inherent in language, but culturally determined. Taboo words are those words that are considered in bad taste by some people or should be avoided because they mention realities that are stark or vulgar. Taboo words usually refer to sex, religion and necessities such as the act of emptying the bladder or the bowels. The general aim of this paper is to observe and report on the treatment of taboo words in standard language dictionaries, among words without taboo connotations. The paper will offer a short introduction into the problematics of taboo language, but will for the most part examine the treatment of taboo words in dictionaries- the way they are defined, the labels that designate them and the examples that accompany them. By comparing the entries for taboo words in five dictionaries, it will be shown which labels for taboo words exist and whether they are the same in all dictionaries; whether all dictionaries follow the same pattern when defining taboo words and with what purpose, and whether the treatment od taboo words in dictionaries can cause any problems for dictionary users. Through examining the entries for taboo words which contain examples, it will be determined which taboo words are the least insulting, and by comparing labels it will be determined which taboo words are the most insulting. Noting the inconsistencies between the dictionaries in defining and labelling taboo words will show that taboo words are not inherently offensive, but determined as taboo by the speakers of the language and the culture they belong to. Theoretical background Taboo words, also referred to as curse words, profanity, swearwords and offensive speech, are words that are not supposed to be uttered at all, or at least not in polite conversation, because they are regarded as inappropriate or immoral, or believed to be forbidden supernaturally. Typical examples of taboo words would be expressions like Damn! or Shit! (Akmajian et al. 306). Taboo words are used in order to make the language we speak more graphic or more concrete, just as metaphors do (Jay 137). They add emotional shading to language and can communicate strong thoughts, ideas, attitudes and opinions in a way non- taboo words cannot (Jay 137). They are used to express anger and annoyance, for insulting and often as intensifiers in phrases, such as in the sentence Whereà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s that damn book! (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Online). The word taboo comes from the Polynesian language and means forbidden (Allan and Burridge 2). Taboo words are, as their name suggests, connected to taboo acts. The act of incest is taboo, and so is the word motherfucker- but there are other words that are taboo, while the action they denote is not. Talking about sex is often considered taboo, but the act of sex itself is not at all forbidden, or improper, if it is done at the suitable time and place, and with the appropriate person. Still, words linked to a taboo act are likely to become taboo words (Allan and Burridge 2). It is important to note that à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦what counts as taboo language is something defined by culture, and not by anything inherent in the language. (Akmajian et al. 307). This means that taboo words and expressions reflect the customs and views of people belonging to a particular society or culture. (Trudgill 18) Taboo language in the English language can be divided into three broader categories. The first category consists of taboo words related to religion. Typical examples from this category are expressions such as God!, Damn!, Jesus! and Hell!. Since words from this category refer to the supernatural, they evoke the emotions of awe and fear. This category represents the historical basis of swearing in the English language (Pinker). The second category consists of taboo words which denote certain body functions and effluvia. The taboo words from this category provoke emotions of disgust due to the fact that certain infectious diseases can be carried from one person to another through bodily effluvia (Pinker). Typical examples from this category are taboo words such as shit, asshole and fart. The third category consists of taboo words related to sexuality- sexual organs, different names for the act of sex and insults related to ones sexual orientation or sexual habits. Examples from this ca tegory are the words fuck, pussy and dyke. Another category can be added to the ones already mentioned- a category that consists of insulting names for disfavoured (mostly because of their race or nationality) persons or groups. The words from this category provoke emotions of hatred and contempt, and the typical example is the word nigger. Methods and material The data for this research was obtained by searching through online dictionaries for taboo words and observing their respective entries. Five online dictionaries were chosen: Oxford Advanced Learners English Dictionary Online, Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary, Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Online, Macmillan Online Dictionary and Longman English Dictionary Online. The reason for choosing online dictionaries was that the printed versions of these dictionaries which were available were not all from the same year and were not the current versions. Online dictionaries are constantly upgraded, which makes them suitable for a comparative study. These five dictionaries were chosen because they all come from respectable publishing companies and are edited by professional lexicographers. Only standard language dictionaries, and not specialised dictionaries (such as slang dictionaries), were used because the aim of the research was to see how taboo words were treated among all other normal words. After choosing which dictionaries to use, the words that would be examined were chosen based on the literature consulted for this research paper, with the addition of words similar in meaning. The words were the following: (ass, asshole, fart, piss, shit, bastard, bitch, cock, cunt, dick, dyke, fag, fuck, motherfucker, pussy, screw, slut, whore, bloody, damn, darn, hell, Dago, Gook, nigger, Paddy, Paki and Spic 28 in total. They were then divided into four groups: Body parts and effluvia (ass, asshole, fart, piss, and shit,); Sex and insults related to sexuality (bastard, bitch, cock, cunt, dick, dyke, fag, fuck, motherfucker, pussy, screw, slut and whore); Religion (bloody, damn, darn and hell) and Racial insults (Dago, Gook, nigger, Paddy, Paki and Spic). The research included checking and noting the labels and the definitions used in separate dictionaries, as well as the examples (or the lack of examples), and comparing them. Analysis and results This comparative study answered the following questions: Which labels and warnings are used in dictionaries to warn the users about taboo words? How are taboo words defined in dictionaries? Are there any differences between dictionaries in the way the words used in the study are labelled and defined? Are there any example sentences in entries for taboo words? Which group of taboo words/ which individual taboo word is the most strongly marked? Labels. Every dictionary has labels assigned to words which inform the user of the status of the word and the register it is supposed to be used in. This research has shown that there are many ways of warning dictionary users about taboo words. The labels that are used to warn users about taboo words in Oxford Advanced Learners English Dictionary Online are: taboo, slang, informal, disapproving and offensive. The labels appear before the definition of the word; they are written in italics and bracketed. Alongside these labels, additional warnings can be found in the definition of the word. The additional labels are: very offensive, not polite, offensive, a swear word, and offensive to some people. The labels that refer to taboo words in Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary are: sometimes vulgar, often vulgar, usually vulgar, obscene, usually obscene, usually disparaging, often disparaging and usually offensive. The labels appear before the definition of the word, in italics. Only one additional label was found in the definition of the word- a generalized term of abuse. The labels for taboo words found in the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Online are: informal, very informal, slang, offensive and disapproving. The labels appear before the definition of the word and are written in capitals. Only one additional label was found in the definition of the word and that one is slightly rude. The labels that are used to warn users about taboo words in the Macmillan Online Dictionary are: impolite, offensive and informal. As in the case of the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary Online, the labels appear before the definition of the word and are written in capitals. The additional labels found in the definition were extremely offensive and insulting. In the Longman English Dictionary Online, the labels for taboo words are: taboo, informal, not polite and slightly rude. The labels appear before the definition of the word in italics and in a different colour than the definition. The additional labels are: offensive, very offensive in combination with Do not use this word and insulting. What this overview shows is that every dictionary has its own system of labelling taboo words, with different words used as warning for the users. This is not surprising because every dictionary has its own labelling policy which is applied to all the words, not just taboo words. Some of the labels do appear in more than one dictionary, like offensive, informal and taboo. Generally speaking, it can be concluded that users are warned in an adequate way that taboo words are not appropriate, not only because of the labels themselves, but also because of the graphical layout of the labels (written in capitals, italics, or in another colour). However, one potential problem for dictionary users can be detected just by looking at the labels- words like often, sometimes, slightly and usually often modify labels for taboo words. This can create confusion, especially since definitions of most taboo words are not followed by examples. The user himself, especially if he is not a native speaker, cannot know in which cases he is allowed to use this word and in which it could have severe consequences. The only dictionary which explicitly states that some words should not be used at all is the Longman English Dictionary Online, with the label Do not use this word found in the definitions of the taboo words. Definitions. When it comes to the way taboo words are defined, there are two types of definitions used in the dictionaries examined in this research. The first type of definition is the synonym definition, in which just the synonym of the taboo word is given, usually a scientific or a more polite term, without any additional explanation, as in the case of the word cock in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Online : COCK- (taboo, slang) a penis. The second type of definition gives a scientifical explanation of the phenomenon which the taboo word denotes, as in the case of the word fart in the Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary: FART- often vulgar: to expel intestinal gas from the anus. Both types of definitions appear in all of the five dictionaries examined and they represent the standard way taboo or offensive words are usually defined in dictionaries. The goal they share is making taboo words and concepts seem less offensive. (joint 128). Examples. Another aspect of the treatment of taboo words in dictionaries that is worth looking at are examples of sentences or phrases that contain taboo words and words that collocate with them. There are many kinds of dictionaries, and not all of them provide examples for all the words they list, but by checking which taboo words have examples in most dictionaries, and which do not, it can be concluded which taboo words are the least offensive. If a dictionary offers an example, it actually shows the user how a word is supposed to be used and in a way gives permission for its usage. The word hell had an example in all of the five dictionaries examined, the words bastard, bloody, damn and darn in four, and the words shit and bitch in three. The rest of the words had an example in one or none of the dictionaries examined. This indicates that the words belonging to the group of taboo words related to religion are no longer considered very insulting, which can be confirmed by looking a t the labels used for these words- informal and impolite prevail, and three dictionaries do not even give any warning for some of the taboo words from this group. The fact that the words belonging to the group of taboo words related to religion aro no longer perceived as very offensive is in contrast with the fact that the historical root of swearing in English is religion (Pinker). Linguist interpret this phenomenon as a result of the secularization of Western culture. (Pinker) The words shit and bitch belong to two different groups of taboo words: shit belongs to the group that refers to body parts and effluvia, and bitch belongs to the group that refers to sex and insults related to sexuality. Both of the words belong to everyday speech, and are mostly labelled as impolite or informal, but also offensive in some dictionaries. Most offensive words. Determining the most offensive taboo word and taboo word group was the next step in this research. By simply comparing the labels, it was concluded that the most strongly marked group was the group consisting of words related to sexuality- words referring to sex (fuck, screw), sexual organs (cock, cunt, dick, pussy) and insults related to sexuality (bitch, dyke, fag, motherfucker, whore). These words were mostly labelled as very offensive, vulgar and obscene. Cunt is the most offensive word in this group. It was labelled as taboo/ slang/ very offensive (Oxford), usually disparaging obscene (Merriam- Webster), offensive (Cambridge), offensive/ extremely offensive (Macmillan), and taboo/ Do not use this word (Longman). Cunt has been the most seriously taboo word in English for centuries, remaining so for the vast majority of users, especially women, since it conveys strong misogynist connotations (Allan and Burridge 52). The most offensive individual taboo word o f the ones that were examined was the word nigger. All of the dictionaries strongly warn against this word, and Merriam- Webster calls it the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English. In other dictionaries it is labelled as very or extremely offensive, and Longman states that the words should not be used at all. Other words from the group consisting of insults on a racial or national basis (Gook, Dago, Spic, Paddy) are also strongly warned against, and usually labelled as offensive or very offensive. This implies that the world is moving towards tolerance when it comes to questions of race and nationality (but also sexual orientation and religion), and these kinds of insults are now completely unacceptable. Inconsistencies. There are certain inconsistencies between dictionaries in the way some taboo words are defined and labelled. This can be seen in the way the word slut is labelled in the dictionaries examined, as shown in Table 1. WORD: Slut Oxford ALD Online: disapproving, offensive Merriam- Webster Online: very informal Cambridge ALD Online: offensive, insulting Macmillan Online Dictionary: taboo informal, Longman English Dictionary Online: very offensive- Do not use this word Oxford, Macmillan and Longman consider slut more offensive than Cambridge does, while Merriam- Webster gives no warning whatsoever about this word being a taboo word. Since for every dictionary this word has a different degree of offensiveness, it can be concluded that the treatment of taboo words in dictionaries proves one of the initial claims made about taboo words- there is nothing inherently offensive or insulting in them. What makes them taboo is culturally, or even individually, determined, which is why even dictionaries cannot be uniform in the way they label taboo words. Conclusion This research paper has examined the entries for taboo words in five standard language dictionaries. The purpose was to see how taboo words were treated among other words that are acceptable in polite or formal conversation. Users are warned by the labels in dictionaries that taboo words should be avoided. The graphical layout of the labels is also used for this purpose. The labels are mostly different in all the dictionaries due to different labelling policies, but some are found in all of the dictionaries. A potential problem for dictionary users, especially second language learners, is the fact that labels are often accompanied by words such as sometimes, usually, slightly etc. In this case, the user cannot deduct from the labels when it is acceptable to use a certain taboo word and when it can have severe consequences. When defining taboo words, all of the dictionaries that were examined use two patterns: defining the taboo word with a more polite or scientific synonym, or by a s cientific explanation. The common goal of these two patterns is to make taboo words and what they designate seem less offensive. Through examining the entries for taboo words which contain examples, it was determined that only taboo words which are considered the least offensive have example sentences. The least offensive taboo words are the ones related to religion. By comparing labels it was concluded that the most offensive taboo words belong to the group related to sexuality, and that the most offensive individual taboo word is the word nigger. Inconsistencies found between the dictionaries in the way they label the same taboo words prove the assumption that there is nothing inherently insulting or offensive in taboo words- they are taboo because of the speakers of the language and the culture they belong to. A suggestion for further research is to historically track labels used for taboo words to see if the way they are perceived has changed and how and monitor if they will cha nge in the near future.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Viewer Response - The Graduate Essay -- essays research papers

In The Graduate, the director, Mike Nichols’, emphasizes the mysterious tone of the film with his overuse of lighting, camera angles, and shadows. The uncertainty Benjamin Braddock feels can be seen right from the start as he stands on the moving sidewalk at the airport. He is positioned at the right hand side of the screen moving forward. You can see a large area to the left where the credits appear. I think the director chose this technique for the opening credits to symbolize how this graduate is arriving at a new destination & has much uncertainty in front of him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dark rooms with shadows are used heavily in this film. The director shows Benjamin’s room as dark and shadowy to parallel his personality. This is also seen in the Robinson house. Shad...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case 8-13 Mohamed Salem El-Hadad, Internal Auditor

Case 8-13 Mohamed Salem El-Hadad, Internal Auditor 1. Identify and briefly describe the legal protections that â€Å"whistleblowers† have in the United States. Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 806: Whistleblower Protection â€Å"SEC. 806. PROTECTION FOR EMPLOYEES OF PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES WHO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD. † â€Å"Sec. 1514A.Civil action to protect against retaliation in fraud cases (a) WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION FOR EMPLOYEES OF PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES- No company with a class of securities registered under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U. S. C. 78l), or that is required to file reports under section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U. S. C. 8o(d)), or any officer, employee, contractor, subcontractor, or agent of such company, may discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other manner discriminate against an employee in the terms and conditions of employment because of any lawful act done by the employeeà ¢â‚¬â€ (1) to provide information, cause information to be provided, or otherwise assist in an investigation regarding any conduct which the employee reasonably believes constitutes a violation of section 1341, 1343, 1344, or 1348, any rule or regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or any provision of Federal law relating to fraud against shareholders, when the information or assistance is provided to or the investigation is conducted by– (A) a Federal regulatory or law enforcement agency; (B) any Member of Congress or any committee of Congress; or (C) a person with supervisory authority over the employee (or such other person working for the employer who has the authority to investigate, discover, or terminate misconduct) (sox-online. com/act). As stated above employees are protected against any retaliation from employers concerning their job position. 2. Should U. S. companies integrate legal protections for internal whistleblowers into their internal contro l systems? Defend your answer. I think that U. S companies should integrate legal protections for internal whistleblowers into their internal control systems. Doing so will give employees the confidence to expose fraudulent and illegal activity. Otherwise an individual will not step forward with information regarding illegal matters because of the penalties they will have to pay. Some employers have the power to prevent individuals from obtaining jobs in the same field by giving bad references. 3.Suppose that during your career you discover a fraud similar to that uncovered by Mohamed Salem El-Hadad. List specific measure that you could take to protect yourself from recriminations by your employer or other parties. A few steps one could take to protect themselves from recriminations by their employer or other parties are: Document any suspicions, take pictures, record phone conversations. Keep records of all items that might cause problems in the future. 4. Did El-Hadad face an ethi cal or moral dilemma when he discovered the fraud being perpetrated by his superior and friend? Before responding, define ethical dilemma and moral dilemma.An ethical dilemma is a circumstance that a person faces concerning a decision about proper behavior. It usually involves a situation in which the wellbeing of one or more other individuals is affected by the outcome of the decision. A moral dilemma is a situation that an individual faces involving a decision about whether an act is ethical. El-Hadad faced an ethical dilemma when he discovered the fraud being committed by his superior and friend. Cites http://www. sox-online. com/act_section_806. html Knapp, M. C. (2013). Madoff Securities. In M. C. Knapp, Contemporary AuditingReal Issues And Cases Mason: South-Western. Whittington, R. (2012). Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services. New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Health Can Be Influenced By Work Social Work Essays

How Health Can Be Influenced By Work Social Work Essays How Health Can Be Influenced By Work Social Work Essay How Health Can Be Influenced By Work Social Work Essay This essay aims to supply an overview of how wellness can be influenced by work and the work environment. The essay will research the chief tendencies and issues related to working conditions, place cognition and information spreads. Recommendations for the hereafter of an identified group of workers and the general work force as a whole will be suggested. The author chose to concentrate on a group of workers in the cleansing industry. The identified workers work for XYZ Cleaning Services Limited in Partnership with ABC Shopping Mall based in Birmingham City Centre. The work force comprises of 10 workers who work between 2000 hours and 0500 hours. The minimal figure of workers per displacement is three staff and up to a upper limit of five per displacement. The workers are contracted to work 40 hours per hebdomad, an equivalent of five darks per hebdomad with two darks off. The workers are responsible for overall sweeping of the promenade floor utilizing scrub driver machines. This includes sweeping and swabbing of promenade stepss, cleaning escalators, Windowss and brushing store foreparts on the busy chief street. Out of the 10 workers, all are male migratory workers. There are five Afro-Carribeans, three Africans and two East Europeans. It can be argued that half of these work forces can barely read and compose but they handle the chemicals that can be risky to wellness. The workers are distanced from the company s administrative office which is unfastened during the twenty-four hours outside their on the job hours. The workers are solemnly dependent on their supervisors who control what type of work they do. The cleansing industry employs really big Numberss of people in all sectors of the economic system. The scope of work covers all cleansing activities in offices, mills, store promenades and infirmaries etc ( Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , 2005 ) . The industry ranges from big contract cleaning companies to small-medium endeavors. As stated by the HSE ( 2005 ) 83.1 per centum of cleaning companies employ between 1 to 10 employees under a different scope of contracts. In England and Wales, it can be noted that most people who work in this industry are from cultural minorities. 37 % of these workers are immigrants ( HSE, 2007 ) . The cleansing service represents one of the most dynamic countries of cooperate services worldwide ( World Health Organisation ( WHO ) , 1998 ) . The fact that the industry faces stiff competition and struggles with high staff turnover increases the chances for illegal working. Cleaning companies sometimes have to accept contracts cognizing that they will non run into the wellness and safety demands or they will lose contracts. This means that the client dictates the workers working conditions sometimes compromising workers wellness and safety. HSE ( 2007 ) high spots that frequently, wellness and safety affairs are non included in the clients procument, and alternatively they are discussed after the contract has been signed. In 2005-2006, 3500 work related accidents were reported to the HSE and Local Authorities. Almost over 700 of these were serious major accidents ( ) . Cleaning is a basic service business carried out in all industry and workplaces. In ABC Shopping Mall, the cleaners wellness and safety conditions depend on the environment that they work in which is normally hapless in general. Most of the work is performed as contract cleansing and cleaners are employed by XYZ who are responsible for the wellness and safety of these workers but do non command the environment in which the workers work in. As a consequence of the nature of the cleansing occupation, cleaners are potentially exposed to a broad scope of chemical, biological, physical and physiological hazards. ( ) . Despite being barely able to read and compose, some of these male workers handle chemical and biological substances that can be potentially risky to their wellness such as soil, dust etc. These unsafe substances to which the cleaners are exposed include chemical and biological substances contained in the work environment. Workers are exposed to microorganisms such as bacteriums, viruses, fungous secernments and carbon black atoms generated during the cleansing procedure. Workers are besides at an increased hazard of enduring from upper respiratory piece of land infections. The hazard of acquiring contaminated by bodily fluids, blood and other related soil that can be risky to the workers wellness is high ( European Council Directive, 2006 ) . Mechanical jeopardies in cleaning work include jeopardies linked to hapless built of work equipment and work environment that can convey awkward working places in lifting and handling ( Woods et al, 1999 ) . The workers at XYZ Company work on elevated platforms, moisture and slippery floors utilizing revolving cleaning machinery that can potentially harm their organic structure position. One has to force the machine seting strain on their dorsums. Musculoskeletal jobs are besides rife in this peculiar workplace. The company nevertheless provides rider cleaning machines that workers operate whilst posing and drive in them. Some of these machines used to scour the floors affect workers wellness. One has to force the machine striving their dorsums. The promenade covers a big surface country and the workers face a high work burden due to intensification of work and increased demand. The company provides recommended safety places to cut down hurts from heavy objects falling on workers pess. There is besides an glut of visibleness waistcoats for workers to utilize when working on the streets. Workers are besides provided with goggles and baseball mitts when working in dust-covered and soiled environments. During winter, the workers get exposed to extreme cold ensuing in them enduring from colds and grippe on and off. This workplace is right in the center of a large vibrant metropolis unfastened to the populace. It can be really unsafe for the workers on the streets as they are subjected to verbal and physical maltreatment from rummies walking about the metropolis Centre. A United Kingdom ( UK ) survey shows that the prevalence of wellness jobs such as musculoskeletal complains, tegument jobs and psychological upsets are high among cleaners than other professions ( International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) , 2000 ) . Besides harmonizing to a Finnish survey in 1999, cleaners are most affected by a worsening workability, frequent medical audiences and periods of absenteeism than other workers. There is small cognition in most self employed and frequently undeclared workers on their occupational wellness and safety, or their working and employment conditions. Migrant workers are frequently non cognizant of their rights, barely speak English and are frequently despairing to acquire a occupation ( European Agency for Safety, 2007 ) . The fact that they are unrecognized, migratory workers exposes them to an increased hazard for development, low rewards and unfavorable on the job conditions ( HSE, 2007 ) . At XYZ, workers are paid biweekly and merely the minimal pay. This is hardly adequate to cover basic life. The workers end up acquiring excess occupations to cover for the shortage ensuing in increased hazard to their wellness. XYZ Company pays the workers dual rate on public and bank vacations but late the company wants to alter the contractual understanding to this agreement. The workers are non happy but there is no workers brotherhood to stand for them on such affairs. Harmonizing to EU-OSHA ( 2008 ) cleansing companies are under huge force per unit area to present cheaper services. As a consequence there is an increased demand for flexibleness ensuing in compromised wellness and safety of workers in order to react rapidly and accurately to the clients demands. Woods et Al ( 1999 ) highlight that cleaners will stop up holding to work unsocial hours, disrupted work-social life balance, weariness and being victims of force. Although, societal spouses strive to advance daytime cleansing, most cleaning workers work at dark in general. As stated by ILO ( 2000 ) cleaning workers suffer from uneffective societal operation which contributes to work-life struggles. Their interrupted Rotas do non better their work-life balance. Health and safety is a large portion in the work environment. Harmonizing to Walton ( 1994 ) as cited in Naidoo and Willis ( 2000 ) work plays a important function in human lives and influences people s good being. It requires considerable demands on clip and energy. Peoples are progressively influenced by both positive and negative facets of their work. Work stressors may take to personal negative facets such as anxiousness, general mental hurt, bosom disease and other chronic unwellness ( Chiang et al, 2003 ) . In order to understand the influence of work conditions and sick wellness, factors such as nature of work, the environment, age of workers, gender, income, degree of instruction, personality and matrimonial position demand to be considered. The workers good being is affected by such harmful effects and the physical environment and psychosocial factors of employment. Orme et Al ( 2003 ) suggest that persons will seek to unite occupational and household demands ensuing in sick wellness. However as argued by Chiang et Al ( 2003 ) some measures of emphasis or force per unit area are necessary in order to run into marks. Moderate degrees of emphasis are a important motivational factor that can be effectual in accomplishing a dynamic equilibrium. No wellness can be without cooperation with other people and their environment ( Health and Safety Commission, 2004 ) . Social interactions that characterise a given environment will impact on successful care of wellness at work. Pressures from important others, notably household, friends and colleagues may all exercise considerable force per unit area on wellness at work. As highlighted by Westwood and Low ( 2003 ) both environmental and cultural factors influence occupational public presentation. The impact of the environment and civilization involve transactional relationships with the person and occupational variables. Westwood and Low ( 2003 ) further argue that cultural factors do encroach on the ability and redevelopment of the worker and that, single differences in learnt usage, beliefs and values can easy ease or hamper public presentation. Unlike in medical clinical scenes where the patients civilization is often viewed as the job and recommendations are attributed to patients and non to the clinician. In the cleansing industry, the workers civilization is viewed as the job and recommendations are non attributed to workers. Work civilization is an internal environment that encapsulates the head, organic structure and psyche, infinite and clip issues ( Chiang et al, 2003 ) . In UK, the mean British citizen plants longer hours than their European opposite numbers. A great figure of factors make it hard to accomplish harmoniousness between work and household, ensuing in more emphasis on workers. Many people find it hard to accommodate their work demands to their household life. This may ensue in struggles refering household functions ( Wainright and Calnan, 2002 ) . Peoples from the low socioeconomic category suffer greater hardship in their societal environments and hence have greater life emphasiss. Goodman ( 2005 ) further argues that inauspicious disbursals at work may take to more serious psychological and physical wellness jobs and these appear to depend on a scope of factors like personal, societal and cultural influences. The thought that people should work for a life is really about universally accepted. Work intents to progress the common good while ignoring the common adult male particularly his wellness ( Wainright and Calnan, 2002 ) . It can be argued that it promises fiscal freedom but in bend delivers captive ironss. By volitionally take parting, working beyond their possible people are selling their freedom to the merchandisers of greed who are belting their ain ego interested enrichment from workers quest to last. Finlay et Al ( 2005 ) highlight that it is impractical non to work for the interest of rule. But people are, nevertheless, aware of the existent grounds why they work hard, the existent nature of freedom and the difference of the two. In order to maintain people coming to work volitionally and cheerfully they need to be convinced that there are benefits. Consumerism so comes into drama. Blaxter ( 1990 ) suggests that by advancing the thought that personal position and worthy are determined by ownership of belongings, employers can guarantee a sufficient supply of willing workers despite their wellness agony in the procedure. A well defined workplace benefits everyone. Work Stationss and occupation undertakings that are matched to the demands of single employees are ever best. Different workers have different demands hence require different on the job conditions. In cleansing and other industries, workplace hurts are the consequence of making the same thing over and over once more ( HSE, 2005 ) . The cleaning occupation requires a individual to utilize all strength and deficiency of acknowledgment and the feeling of being undervalued, high emphasis in the occupation and a deficiency of support from supervisors may ensue in hapless public presentation and productiveness. A major paradigm displacement towards an integrated, proactive and prevention-oriented attack is indispensable, to turn to these jobs ( World Health Organisation ( WHO ) , 2002 ) . At organizational degree, a comprehensive policy should be put in topographic point. An organizational policy that focuses on wellness and safety, demands of workers, including psychosocial jobs. This will cut down the negative impact of workplace psychosocial jobs. Through improved psychosocial on the job conditions, workers are healthier with a higher morale and employers will see addition in productiveness. Policy analysis helps the employers to understand the multiple and sometimes conflicting aspects of work policy that contribute to multiple results, some intended and some unintended ( HSE, 2007 ) . Workers wellness agencies single and holistic good being at work. Occupational wellness is identified as the key driver in advancing wellness of workers in the workplace. Health scrutinies, workplace visits, reding and reding services are indispensable preventative occupational wellness steps. Better wellness, good being and quality of life, healthier populating wonts and safer healthier work environments are an improved image of the workplace. Harmonizing to WHO ( 1998 ) workers and supervisors should set about wellness publicity at work. Individual s demands should be taken into history, displacement forms, shortening of work displacement hours and usage of particular equipment should do work undertaking meaningful and balance with a individual s life. The Government White Paper, Salvaging Lifes: Our healthier state by the Department of Health ( DOH ) ( 1998 ) identifies accidents as a major public wellness precedence and set marks to cut down deceases and hurts from accidents by October 2010. The Accidental Task Force ( 2000 ) coordinates transverse Government action and identifies appropriate grounds based pattern to forestall deceases and long term enfeebling hurt from accidents. This incorporates the Departments of Transport, Trade and Industry, HSE and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is the duty of direction to take into history every bit far as operable the wellness and safety and public assistance of its employees ( HSE, 2005 ) . As the treatment above indicates, wellness and safety issues in the workplace are complex. Percepts might differ from world and solutions might be less apparent than they foremost appear. Advanced policies must be advised in the workplace to protect workers from jeopardies. Willingness by companies to O.K. and implement compulsory regulations on wellness and safety at work is of paramount importance. The Government has worked indefatigably to try to turn to wellness and safety issues in the workplace both at national and local degrees. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations ( COSHH ) ( 2002 ) stipulates employers responsibility to protect employees and other individuals from risky substances used at work. As highlighted by the HSE, employers have a legal duty to describe hurts, diseases and unsafe happenings to the HSE and local governments to enable them to place where and how hazards arise and investigate serious accidents ( RIDDOR, 1995 ) . A healthy work force is a happier, more productive work force. Dame Carol Black s Review of the Health of the Working Age Population ( 2008 ) highlights the demand for employers to make workplaces that are suiting and safe. It besides recommends that everyone enjoys the benefits of wellness and fulfilling work ( Working for a Healthier tomorrow, 2008 ) . The changing life styles and multiculturalism in the UK has resulted in a figure of Government actions that are controversial for their sensed menace to civil autonomies but such limitations are necessary to forestall important injury to the populace at big. Government paternalism may be justifiable when it is fact based but the Government is neer justified in advancing a place that is scientifically wrong. Political community does non hold a clear sense of the construct of Public Health apart from the discourse around wellness attention reform. Harmonizing to the DOH ( 2004 ) Public Health ordinance is designed to supervise wellness menaces and intervene to cut down hazard to the population. It can, nevertheless, violate cardinal Civil Liberties such as the right to privateness, bodily unity, information protection and freedom of motion. The hazard to self is normally the least politically recognized ground for ordinance. Paternalistic policies can be effectual in forestalling injury in the workplace. Disregard of the demands of the vulnerable predictably harms the whole community by gnawing public trust and undermining societal coherence ( House of Commons, 2006 ) . In the UK, betterments of wellness have been seen within the figure of reportable hurts in the workplace being reduced by 52 % in 2006 following a new wellness and safety run. The Acheson Report ( 1998 ) identifies wellness inequalities and factors that affect wellness making jobs for public wellness professionals and policy shapers. The chief determiners of wellness as identified by Dahlgren and Whitehead ( 1991 ) conventional overview of the scope of factors that can lend casually or in modifying signifiers of the fluctuation in peoples wellness were highlighted ( ) . The ends of Public Health are closely aligned with those of WHO ( 2000 ) which offer schemes that work towards developing healthy public policies, working with communities to place their ain demands. The Liberals emphasis on the importance of single liberty and that people are given pick. Any intercession that may expose an person to hazard is morally unacceptable unless the individual agrees to being exposed in legal footings. Public wellness intercessions may interfere to different grades with peoples picks or autonomies. A greater more expressed justification is needed for the province to interfere in a state of affairs where the single consent would otherwise be required due to considerable wellness and other hazards involved ( DOH, 2007 ) . Combined effects of physiological factors have considerable negative branchings for workers, employers, workers households and the society in general. For the person, these can ensue in isolation, stigmatization, hurt, unwellness or even decease. To the administration, this could ensue in increased absenteeism, accidents, reduced productiveness and decreased net incomes. Besides to the household, there would be perceived loss of income, reduced public assistance, missed chances for kids, psychological injury and finally household dislocation. Last, the society at big will be negatively affected through increased costs, high unemployment and offense rates and consumer disbursement and decreased productiveness. The essay has shown that the work environment has a important influence on people s wellness and good being. There is a wealth of grounds that persons harbour feelings of isolation in the workplace in our civilization. Whilst expecting the Cultural Revolution in direction and the work force, the state must ship on specific reform steps to extenuate the jobs inherent on the wellness of the workers and the steps that might increase consciousness of the importance of influence of work on wellness. In decision, developing sound cognition on the hazard factors and wellness and safety results will turn to challenges and develop preventative steps to the specifities of the cleansing and other industries in general. There is besides necessitate for farther surveies on migratory workers in the cleansing sector in order to turn to some of the inequalities as highlighted in this essay. 3179 Words.

Monday, October 21, 2019

20 Synonyms for Shortage

20 Synonyms for Shortage 20 Synonyms for â€Å"Shortage† 20 Synonyms for â€Å"Shortage† By Mark Nichol There’s no shortage of synonyms for shortage, and though many of the terms are close in meaning, the variety of connotations is sufficient to merit this list. 1. Crunch: a sudden shortage (informal) 2. Dearth: a shortage, especially one with dire and severe effects, such as one of food 3. Deficiency: a shortage, including one of nutritional substances such as vitamins 4-5. Drought (or drouth): a shortage of precipitation, especially one that damages or stunts crops, or a shortage of something customarily available 6. Failure: a lack of success, as in business or a competition, or an instance of coming up short 7. Famine: a significant shortage, especially of food 8-9. Inadequacy (or inadequateness): a case or quality of not having enough 10. Insufficiency: the quality of not having enough capacity or supply, or of being incompetent 11. Lack: a shortage or an instance of something missing or not available in the necessary amount 12. Lacuna: a shortage or gap 13. Paucity: a shortage of number or quantity 14. Pinch: a sudden shortage (informal); also, an emergency, or an instance of pressure or privation 15. Poverty: a shortage, especially of money or material goods, or such a state deliberately entered into (as by a monk who renounces ownership of worldly goods) 16. Scantiness: a shortage of what is expected or needed 17-18. Scarceness (or scarcity): a supply that amounts to less than the demand 19. Undersupply: a quantity that is less than required 20. Want: a shortage or a fault, or of being extreme poor; also, something wanted Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 15 Types of DocumentsThe Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

April Fools Essays - Belinda, College Buddies, April Fools

April Fools Essays - Belinda, College Buddies, April Fools April Fools Introduction There was a group of friends that was very united. They were always together. They had a great friendship, and were recognized for it. This group of friends consists of: ? Belinda: a responsible girl that cares for others. ? Hildy: a nice girl who is very friendly. ? Frank: the oldest of the 3 and also the most irresponsible; usually gets in trouble. The story is about this group that, as I said, was very unite, until April Fools, the day that changed their lives. All began where there was going to be a party out of town, and Frank who was the only one with an I.D. was the one to drive. The problem was that in the party he exceeded in beers, and because his state of unconsciousness he didn't know what he did. The topic of this story is nonfiction and the setting is New York. April Fools by Richie T. Cusick. Chapter 1 Belinda was starting her day at school as normal. She arrived to school without knowing that she will suddenly be very scared. She got to Hildy and they started chatting. Then, Frank came with a good new: " There's gonna be a party this Saturday at my friends house, you are invited." That was his words. This party was of some college buddies of Frank?s older brother. That Saturday will always be present in Belinda?s mind. That Saturday no one wondered of what was going to happen. Everyone thought it will be a great party and that everything will go wonderful. This party was out of town and on...on April Fool's Day. Yes, it was going to be on April 1st. That week no one talked of anything that was not about the party. Around the school the only thing that was heard was: "This party will be great." Of course, that there was going to be beers, as in any college party. Belinda at first had her doubts. She was a minor and she knew her mother wouldn't let her go. All that week Belinda was the only one that didn't know if she was going. Frank, that was a very good friend, but he sometimes was very irresponsible, (he was like the worst in the group) convinced her of going, and the excuse was that she will stay at Hildy?s house as any other weekend to rent some movies. Chapter 2 With this excuse, her mother let her go, trusting her. Belinda was happy and quickly went to Hildy?s. There she dressed up and was ready for the party. Since Frank was the only one with an I.D. he was the one to drive. He arrived to Hildy?s and picked both of them and went to the party. At the party, everyone danced and drank and smoked and had a lot of fun. The party was going well and Belinda was having a lot of fun. She and Frank danced almost all night, the same as Hildy. Hildy noticed that Frank was drinking too much, and this was when the problem started. Hildy wanted to leave the party, because if no, everything might turn worse. She tried to convince Frank of leaving, but Frank, with his state of unconsciousness didn't know what was happening, and since he had the facility to drink more, he wanted to stay. Finally, Belinda and Hildy forced Frank to leave. The problem will now be worse... Chapter 3 While driving back home, Belinda and Hildy were scared about Frank?s situation and wanted to get back home the sooner they can. Frank started joking, but these jokes were for bad. He took a shortcut that his brother recommended, where there wasn't likely to be any highway patrol near the airport. Of course that Belinda and Hildy rejected, but they couldn't do anything against Frank. Frank had started feeling sick, but there was nowhere to pull off on the narrow downhill stretch, and it was so curvy dangerous, and Belinda was so frightened. That's when another car pulled up behind them, honking, trying to pass. By this time, a terrible storm was present. Belinda had peered out through the rain on the back window, but hadn't been able to see any faces and the car kept

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management in health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management in health care - Essay Example This report shocked health care experts and many organizational leaders are evaluating their health care delivery systems (Thweatt & Kleiner 2007). There is a call to health care experts to apply professional management approaches in health care provision. This paper covers the issue of management in healthcare. It highlights the role and importance of management in healthcare. It will give an insight on how to practice management and the problems that may be encountered in health care management. The research will look at two approaches, the scientific management approach and human relation management approach. It will show how each of the approaches is applied in running an organization. The research will also show how the two approaches are jointly applied in running an organization. A critical analysis of the two methods will show the similarities and differences between the two approaches of management. Drawing from an example of an institution that has applied a combination of the two approaches in management, we shall see if the approach is successful or not. The paper will conduct further analysis to show the implications of applying the two management approaches to health care service delivery. The analysis will focus on the people who work in health care service delivery organizations. This will help in finding out how these management approaches affect them in terms of problems they may face, benefits if any and possible suggestions on how to improve the strategies used to better suit the workers. The paper will also highlight the implications of the research to students who study public health. The primary role of management is to formulate policies, organize, plan, control and direct the resources of an organization so as to achieve the objectives of the policy. Management is defined as how an organization coordinates and organizes its activities in accordance to policies set so as to achieve the defined objectives of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Information Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Information Policy - Essay Example All should protect copyrights especially by ISPs and the government. ISPs allow access to content, and, therefore, they must ensure that they do not promote piracy by supporting copyrights. I also agree that redirecting  a domain  is not sufficient, and the ICE should confiscate all servers and arrest domain owners that support piracy. Google does own YouTube, but both run on entirely different domains. Google and YouTube can both be easily shut down as they not top level domains. Top level domains are those that are owned by countries. Top level domains are protected by courts and cannot be shut down. Google is not a top level domain and can easily be shut down if it violates copyright law. However, the closure of a massive search giant like Google might vastly affect the internet. Copyright issues can easily be tracked through algorithms and digital signatures. Google already uses algorithms to track companies that violate copyright issues and blacklists them. Use of digital signature to accompany copyrighted products can protect copyrights. Programs are already in place to encode copyrighted materials with digital signatures. Materials without the signature are tracked to their source, and the pirates can then be apprehended. Post, D.  Are Internet domain names â€Å"property†?.  Washington Post. Retrieved 19 June 2015, from Post, D.  DC Court rules that Top-Level Domain not subject to seizure.  Washington Post. Retrieved 19 June 2015, from

How Is Angina Diagnosed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Is Angina Diagnosed - Essay Example Prior to the management of unstable angina it is crucial to diagnose the problem. Unstable angina can be diagnosed by means of clinical presentation of patient and by the measurement of certain biochemical markers. Cardiac troponin and myoglobin are valid diagnostic markers (Kumar and Clark, 2012). The main tool used in diagnosis of unstable angina is the clinical presentation of the patient. The patients complain of chest pain, chest pain may occur at rest or while exertion. The patient feels chest pain which radiates to the shoulder, arm, jaw, neck or the back. A feeling of discomfort might be felt by patient, and they might describe it like tightness in the chest. Dyspnea and sweating are also the possible symptoms of unstable angina (Kumar and Clark, 2012). On physical examination the patient is usually normal. Elder patients and women present with rare symptoms such as weakness, nausea, lightheadedness and diaphoresis (Sami et al, 2010). Electrocardiography plays a vital role is assessing unstable angina. It is a good prognostic tool for physicians to make decisions for patients who are at high risk for coronary syndromes. The 12 lead electrocardiogram is used for the diagnosis. For instance if a patient with symptoms of angina comes to the ER, physicians should do an ECG as soon as possible to rule out the underlying problem. In unstable angina the findings on an electrocardiogram include ST-segment depression, brief ST-segment elevation and inversion of T-wave. The ST-segment elevation in two continuous leads as a confirmation for acute myocardial infarction (Kumar and Cannon, 2009). Measurement of cardiac biomarkers is done in patients with acute coronary syndromes. The cardiac troponins are highly specific and sensitive in marking myocardial injury. Cardiac troponins have taken over CK-MB. The major disadvantage in using cardiac troponin is that it starts to rise in the patient after about 6 hours of the appearance of the symptoms (Kumar and

Lesson plan #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson plan #1 - Assignment Example It therefore acts as guideline through which teachers and students must adhere to. The sample of the lesson plan given can be compared to the ones found on most webs. The major quality this sample has is that it is simple to understand given the choice of Wayne Thiebaud’s paintings for elaboration. The desserts by Wayne Thiebaud meet the national standards for visual art link because of the way he presents his paintings to demonstrate and reflect on ideas and emotions. In his paintings, he uses objects commonly known to students and has colored them as if they were real. Learners are able to easily understand and perhaps draw similar objects and even describe them using various adjectives especially if such children are not physically challenged. The National Standards for Visual Art Link include trying to show relationships between visual arts and other related disciplines, selecting and doing evaluation of symbols and ideas and applying knowledge of structures and functions in teaching (Jody 206). For a kindergarten student, it is advisable to draft a lesson plan that is simple to comprehend and use. The primary aim should be to enable them differentiate various desserts used and use adjectives in their descriptions. Colors used should be obvious. Such colors range from the ones which the children are familiar with to those that are complex. In order to make the lesson more interesting, the teacher should use interesting pictorials for demonstration. This includes drawing pictures of appetizing materials like ice cream. Kindergarten children should be left to color the drawing of the ice cream alone but with some support from the teacher. One reason why items like ice creams are used is because children always like them. They taste nice. The sample of the lesson plan given is a perfect example of what every art teacher should stick to. The cookies provided are convenient for kindergarten students given their

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The restructuring of toyota,nissan and ford in the global auto market Research Paper

The restructuring of toyota,nissan and ford in the global auto market - Research Paper Example In the outer fringe the supply chain systems consist of the third tier that generally focus on the delivery of certain parts to the assemblers or the tier two supplying units for the automobile companies. Toyota like all other large automobile companies revolutionized herein to create and sustain specialized supplying units that would only focus on supplying of a specialized or certain unit to the assembly centers. Dependency on a specialized supplying partner for delivery of needed components made it possible for the company to effectively initiate the ‘Just-in-Time’ quality system in its production methodologies (â€Å"The machine that ran too hot†). Toyota in terms of selecting the most able supplier to supply automobile parts to its assembly units located round the world works on a set of training and development activities to enhance its relationship with the supply chain units. Through the training and development functions the management of Toyota focuses o n making the supply chain units understands the need for supply of quality materials on time so as to effectively meet the objectives of the concern in times of changing competitive business and social environment. Maintenance of effective relationships tends to build long term commitment from its specialized supply chain units (Tsai, Chen and Yang 9-10; Roh 134). Restructuring activities pertaining to the ambit of global supply chain activities for automobile company Toyota relate to aligning a range of key supplier bodies that would contribute to the delivery of common parts for all its vehicles produced across the globe. This strategy is aimed at reduction in the number of varieties relating to same parts required for the same category of vehicles thereby standardizing on the quality of the supplies. Toyota in an example has focused on reducing the number of radiators sought from 100 to 21 through a system of closed networking and monitoring activities of its suppliers groups. Th is strategy further contributes in the reduction of overall cost of operations and supply chain functions for the company (â€Å"Suppliers key to Toyota restructure†). Restructuring plans for Toyota relating to the development of relationship with the supply chain units consisted of not only maintaining sustained relationship activities both in an online fashion and also through the enhancement of training and information sharing programs but also through other strategic activities. The set of other strategic activities related to Toyota’s new supply chain mechanism functionaries relate to the formation of effective joint venture relationships with key supply chain units. Through effective joint venture operations Toyota focuses on gaining a total control over the entire gamut of supply chain functions related to the supply of individual key parts to the assembly mechanisms and also in enhancing its dealer networks for augmenting sales of its vehicles in foreign countr ies (Gupta, Wakayama and Rangan 135). The above analysis for restructuring initiatives related to the supply chain functions for Toyota reflect that the company has taken resort to the dimensions of Lean Supply Chain strategies. Through the use of Lean Supply

Charles Darwin first book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charles Darwin first book - Essay Example His theory had two ideas. Use and disuse which meant an organism loses traits it does not require and develops new ones. He also believed individuals inherit from ancestors. A famous example was the neck of a giraffe which was long because they reach for leaves. This theory was replaced by Mendal’s laws. Mendelian inheritance laws were the manner by which genes and traits are passed from parents to children. The inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant and X- linked recessive. His theory comprised of principle of segregation; two members of an allele segregate in gamete formation. Second law is of independent assortment; genes from different traits assort independently during gamete formation. C. Mendal’s theory of inheritance is compatible with Darwin’s natural selection theory. Mendal’s theory is actually the answer of Darwin’s shortcomings. Darwin proposed that with the natural variations that occur in populations, any characteristic that is beneficial would make the person likely to survive and transfer trait to next generation. If various natural selections would occur a new specie would evolve but he could not answer how the traits could remain over the coming generations. The blending theory was famous which stated the blend of offspring and parent’s traits. This meant any beneficial trait would disappear after a few generations. Mendel answered Darwins problem. He proposed traits were not blended, but inherited. Mendel proposed a trait that might disappear in one generation might reappear in the following generation. Mendels genetics was combined with Darwins original theory to give modern Neo-Darwinism. D. Evidence was the Particulate Inheritance theory. The theory showed that characteristics can be passed from one generation to generation through "discrete particles" known as  genes. These particles can express while not always appearing in a descendant. He confirmed the theory by experimenting on

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lesson plan #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson plan #1 - Assignment Example It therefore acts as guideline through which teachers and students must adhere to. The sample of the lesson plan given can be compared to the ones found on most webs. The major quality this sample has is that it is simple to understand given the choice of Wayne Thiebaud’s paintings for elaboration. The desserts by Wayne Thiebaud meet the national standards for visual art link because of the way he presents his paintings to demonstrate and reflect on ideas and emotions. In his paintings, he uses objects commonly known to students and has colored them as if they were real. Learners are able to easily understand and perhaps draw similar objects and even describe them using various adjectives especially if such children are not physically challenged. The National Standards for Visual Art Link include trying to show relationships between visual arts and other related disciplines, selecting and doing evaluation of symbols and ideas and applying knowledge of structures and functions in teaching (Jody 206). For a kindergarten student, it is advisable to draft a lesson plan that is simple to comprehend and use. The primary aim should be to enable them differentiate various desserts used and use adjectives in their descriptions. Colors used should be obvious. Such colors range from the ones which the children are familiar with to those that are complex. In order to make the lesson more interesting, the teacher should use interesting pictorials for demonstration. This includes drawing pictures of appetizing materials like ice cream. Kindergarten children should be left to color the drawing of the ice cream alone but with some support from the teacher. One reason why items like ice creams are used is because children always like them. They taste nice. The sample of the lesson plan given is a perfect example of what every art teacher should stick to. The cookies provided are convenient for kindergarten students given their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Charles Darwin first book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charles Darwin first book - Essay Example His theory had two ideas. Use and disuse which meant an organism loses traits it does not require and develops new ones. He also believed individuals inherit from ancestors. A famous example was the neck of a giraffe which was long because they reach for leaves. This theory was replaced by Mendal’s laws. Mendelian inheritance laws were the manner by which genes and traits are passed from parents to children. The inheritance can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant and X- linked recessive. His theory comprised of principle of segregation; two members of an allele segregate in gamete formation. Second law is of independent assortment; genes from different traits assort independently during gamete formation. C. Mendal’s theory of inheritance is compatible with Darwin’s natural selection theory. Mendal’s theory is actually the answer of Darwin’s shortcomings. Darwin proposed that with the natural variations that occur in populations, any characteristic that is beneficial would make the person likely to survive and transfer trait to next generation. If various natural selections would occur a new specie would evolve but he could not answer how the traits could remain over the coming generations. The blending theory was famous which stated the blend of offspring and parent’s traits. This meant any beneficial trait would disappear after a few generations. Mendel answered Darwins problem. He proposed traits were not blended, but inherited. Mendel proposed a trait that might disappear in one generation might reappear in the following generation. Mendels genetics was combined with Darwins original theory to give modern Neo-Darwinism. D. Evidence was the Particulate Inheritance theory. The theory showed that characteristics can be passed from one generation to generation through "discrete particles" known as  genes. These particles can express while not always appearing in a descendant. He confirmed the theory by experimenting on

Interaction Theories Essay Example for Free

Interaction Theories Essay A. Compare and contrast two of the models or theories presented in this chapter considering their usefulness in practice, research, education and administration. For the purposes of this discussion, I have selected King’s Theory of Goal Attainment and Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. On a broad perspective, both theories aim at explaining the interaction processes that happen between a nurse and her patient. Imogene King’s basic assumption of her theory is that the nurse and the client communicate information, set goals mutually, and act to attain those goals. The same can actually be said with Peplau’s theory wherein she states that nursing is an interpersonal process because it involves interaction between two or more individuals with a common goal, the attainment of which is achieved through the use of a series of steps, and that the nurse and patient work together so both become mature and knowledgeable in the process. A lot of similarities can be seen from both works as they try to explain the nursing process in a nurse-patient interaction level. see fig. 1) The concepts of person, health, environment and nursing are recurring themes on both theories as they attempt to integrate it with each of their own interaction models. The deviation between the two theories occur where the focus of their study lie in the current nursing practice. King focused on the major concept of interacting systems: Personal, interpersonal and social systems, and how the accuracy of determining which system is most applicable would lead to eventual tra nsaction. Because of the severity of her condition, the emergency room nurses attending for this particular patient immediately began taking actions to stabilize her condition, such as securing an IV line, drawing blood for labs, applying oxygen and doing an ECG all at the same time. When asked by a nurse to take her ordered dose of aspirin the patient fearfully verbalized, â€Å"What are you doing to me? † Soon after, when the patient’s condition did not significantly improve but got worse, the physician advised the husband that patient be brought to the cardiac catheterization laboratory for an angiogram. The client was adamant that she did not want to take drastic measures, but the husband indicated that he wanted whatever was necessary to improve his wife’s condition. This is an excellent example of a client losing the sense of self-hood. In regard to the concept of self, King (1981) stated â€Å"If nurses and other professionals interact with patients or clients as human beings, and let the individuals be themselves, nurses and patients would help each other grow in self-awareness and in understanding of human behavior, especially in stressful life experiences. † In an environment that requires one to be reactive and responsive, clients often perceive nurses as being too busy or too hurried. King (1981) encouraged nurses to be aware of how they present themselves to their clients because the manner in which nurses enter a client’s room sets the tone for the entire encounter. Poor communication skills lead to poor transactions and interactions between the nurse and the client. Poor communication skills also affect goal setting and goal attainment (Williams, 2001). It is solely because of this perception that proper â€Å"scripting† with the patients has been constantly reiterated to all nursing personnel and including even the support staff. In stark contrast with the example presented above, here is a situation where King’s Theory of Goal Attainment was used in the emergency room setting. Patient ST, a 32-year old male trauma patient who went to the emergency room due to a traumatic amputation of an arm secondary to a motor vehicle accident. The assessment phase of the nursing process can take in the concepts associated with the personal system. Once the patient has been hemodynamically stabilized, the nurse’s attention is now focused on assisting the patient cope with the feelings of loss, separation and anger that he is experiencing. The patient’s feelings of perception, self body image, growth and development, time and space must be considered after doing the primary survey of airway, breathing and circulation. In fact, this is even specified in my institution’s â€Å"Emergency Room Nursing Database† in its attempts to fulfill the JCI requirements in documentation. Attempting to restore the patient’s self-esteem in the light of the traumatic loss is a mutually established goal between the nurse and the client. It is also important for the nurse to realize that the patient’s perceptual field is narrowed because of the pain and emotion that he is currently experiencing. King’s theory highlights the importance of the participation of the individuals in decision making and deals with the choices, alternatives, and outcomes of nursing care. The theory offers insight into the nurses’ interactions with the individuals and groups within the environment (Williams, 2001). Element of the theory of Imogene King is usually applied specifically in interpersonal and social systems. More often than not, the mode of interaction being used in the emergency department is a dyad (2 people interacting), where the perception of a patient is changed because of a communication that takes place providing education to a patient with knowledge deficit. Such an example occurs in ensuring a patient and its significant others’ compliance; if the patient does not understand the importance of a certain intervention or medication, cooperation and adherence will be very difficult to achieve. But once the nurse educates them with proper nurse-patient interaction and therapeutic communication, compliance and adherence to medical regimen can be achieved. King’s Goal Attainment Theory (Client-Centered Theory) is indeed what we are practicing in the daily routine of the hospital and in any other clinical setting. Giving the patient the pertinent information of what is going to happen or what is happening will lessen the patient’s anxiety that contributes to tachycardia, restlessness and give them a sense of control of the situation.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Pathophysiology Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired syndrome that occurs when a stimulus pathologically activates intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis resulting in an unbalanced hemostasis (Cunningham, 1999; Huether McCance, 2008; Wada, 2008). The initiation of DIC starts with the release of tissue factor (TF) by the endothelial cells or white blood cells (WBCs). TF are present on many different cell types including lungs, brain, and placenta. The release of TF is subsequent to a variety of causes including trauma, ischemia, excessive metabolic stress, tumors, infectious organisms, exposure to cytokines and endotoxins (Baglin, 1996; Vinay, Abul, Nelson, Richard, 2007). The release of endotoxin is the means by which gram-negative sepsis triggers DIC (Vinay et al., 2007). These endotoxins are a structural component in gram-negative bacteria released when the bacteria are lysed. TF then reacts with coagulation factor VII leading to the common pathway and activation of co agulation factor X (Huether McCance, 2008, p. 498). This complex pathway leads prothrombin to convert to thrombin, which transforms fibrinogen to fibrin (Huether McCance, 2008, p. 542) Excess activation of the coagulation pathway results in an overload of circulating thrombin leaving numerous fibrin clots in circulation (Cunningham, 1999). Fibrinolysis is also decreased during DIC. The main component of fibrinolysis is plasmin, a fibrin-eating enzyme that is activated by the clotting pathway to control the fibrin clots in the vessels (Huether McCance, 2008). These micro-thrombi in the vasculature of organs cause tissue ischemia and dysfunction. Although fibrinolytic properties are present in the body, production is inadequate to control the systemic deposits of fibrin clots (Cunningham, 1999; Huether McCance, 2008). DIC also places the patient at risk for hemorrhage due the rapid consumption of platelets and coagulation factors result in primary hemostasis failure (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Huether McCance, 2008). The failure and dysfunction of both the formation and stabilization pathways of clots bleeding from multiple sites are seen (Bliss Wallace-Jonat han, 2008). Relevant Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulation present in a multitude of possibilities. In this specific patient with gram-negative sepsis leading to DIC may present with spontaneous bruising, prolonged bleeding from venipuncture sites, and bleeding from three different sites. There are also many other possible sites including the nose, gums, mucosa, eyes, arterial lines, or surgical wounds (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Wada, 2008). Depending on where the fibrin clots have deposited, other symptoms may manifest as ischemia or organ failure occurs such as in the kidneys, heart, lungs, or in the brain. There is a possibility of hemorrhaging into a closed compartment, which may lead to shock (Huether McCance, 2008). Lab values during DIC are also of great importance. There is no specific test for DIC but a combination of PT (prothrombin time), aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen, platelet count and d-dimmer are used to assist in the diagnosis of DIC (Cunningham, 1999). Since many disorders can cause an increase of each of these lab values, it is important to use the whole picture to make the diagnosis. Treatment Treatments for DIC focus on elimination of the cause, controlling the coagulation and formation of clots, and maintain or return organ function (Huether McCance, 2008). In this case study, the elimination of the gram-negative bacteria is one treatment. This essential treatment of antibiotic therapy has already started one hour ago. Another course of treatment is administration of blood products to resupply the body with the depleted clotting factor, platelets, thrombin, and plasmin in an attempt to reduce or eliminate the bleeding (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Administration of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) along with cryoprecipitate and platelet concentrates replaces the clotting factors in patients with active bleeding (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Research on heparin use in DIC found successful in the treatment of DIC in some patients in an attempt to reduce the coagulation pathway activation though not recommended in septic DIC (Huether McCance, 2008; Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Clinical trials have made a case for the specific treatment of septic DIC. Antithrombin III appears to be an effective treatment (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Huether McCance, 2008). Organ function requires fluid resuscitation for restoration of blood pressure as well as urine and cardiac output. Outcomes Prognosis varies depending on the underlying disorder. The outcome also depends on the magnitude of thrombi in the vascular system. The patient has a 10%-50% chance of dying with the diagnosis of DIC (Wada, 2008). The rate increases in patients with sepsis though there still is a possibility of a positive outcome. With rapid detection and treatment, DIC can be reversed. Conclusion Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) References Baglin, T. (1996, March 16). Disseminated intravascular coagulation: diagnosis and treatment. British Medical Journal, 312, 683-688. Retrieved from Bliss, T. T., Wallace-Jonathan, J. (2008). Hematological and coagulation changes in sepsis. In Competency-based critical care (pp. 17-25). doi: 10.1007/978-1-84628-939-2 Cunningham, V. L. (1999, July). A review of disseminated intravascular coagulation: presentation, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment. Medical Laboratory Observer, 31(7), 42-50. Retrieved from Huether, S., McCance, K. (2008). Understanding pathophysiology (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Vinay, K., Abul, A. K., Nelson, F., Richard, M. N. (2007). Robbins basic pathology (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Wada, H. (2008). Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In Recent advances in thrombosis and hemostasis 2008. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-78847-8

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing the Roles of Women in Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnes

Comparing the Roles of Women in Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Look Back in Anger In Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Look Back in Anger, the women characters play distinct roles in the dramas. However, the type of roles, the type of characters portrayed, and the purpose the women’s roles have in developing the plot and themes vary in each play. As demonstrated by The Importance of Being Earnest and Look Back in Anger, the majority of women’s roles ultimately reflect that women in British society were viewed to be unequal to men in love and in relationships and generally the weaker sex, emotionally, physically and intellectually. However, I have found an exception to this standard in the play Arcadia, in which Thomasina Coverly plays the role of a young genius. In Oscar Wilde’s drama The Importance of Being Earnest, he uses light-hearted tones and humor to poke fun at British high society while handling the serious theme of truth and the true identity of who is really â€Å"Earnest.† Truth as theme is most significantly portrayed through the women characters, Gwendolen and Cecily but to present serious themes comically, Wilde portrays women to be the weaker sex of society, despite the seriousness of the subject—the identity of the men they want to marry. Gwendolen and Cecily act like air-heads and are easily won over by the men they plan to marry. Gwendolen simply wants to marry a man named Earnest. She tells Jack â€Å"my ideal has always been to love someone of the name of Ernest† (I.381-82). The mere idea of marrying a man for his name shows how easily Gwendolen can attach herself to a man. Marriage is the most serious of all relationships and Gwendolen is foolish to deter... ..., Stoppard’s creation of Thomasina opens the door of opportunity in the world of drama for more women characters to be created with the same intelligence and respect in regards to love as well as academics. Works Cited Fleming, John. Stoppard’s Theater: Finding Order amid Chaos. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. Nadel, Ira. Tom Stoppard: A Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Osborne, John. Look Back in Anger. New York: Penguin, 1982. Stoppard, Tom. Arcadia. London: Faber and Faber, 1993. Thompson, Doreen. â€Å"Stoppard’s Idea of Woman: ‘Good, Bad, or Indifferent?’.† Ed. Anthony Jenkins. Critical Essays on Tom Stoppard. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. 194-203. Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest. Peter Raby, ed. Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays. London: Oxford University Press, 1995. 247-307. Comparing the Roles of Women in Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnes Comparing the Roles of Women in Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Look Back in Anger In Arcadia, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Look Back in Anger, the women characters play distinct roles in the dramas. However, the type of roles, the type of characters portrayed, and the purpose the women’s roles have in developing the plot and themes vary in each play. As demonstrated by The Importance of Being Earnest and Look Back in Anger, the majority of women’s roles ultimately reflect that women in British society were viewed to be unequal to men in love and in relationships and generally the weaker sex, emotionally, physically and intellectually. However, I have found an exception to this standard in the play Arcadia, in which Thomasina Coverly plays the role of a young genius. In Oscar Wilde’s drama The Importance of Being Earnest, he uses light-hearted tones and humor to poke fun at British high society while handling the serious theme of truth and the true identity of who is really â€Å"Earnest.† Truth as theme is most significantly portrayed through the women characters, Gwendolen and Cecily but to present serious themes comically, Wilde portrays women to be the weaker sex of society, despite the seriousness of the subject—the identity of the men they want to marry. Gwendolen and Cecily act like air-heads and are easily won over by the men they plan to marry. Gwendolen simply wants to marry a man named Earnest. She tells Jack â€Å"my ideal has always been to love someone of the name of Ernest† (I.381-82). The mere idea of marrying a man for his name shows how easily Gwendolen can attach herself to a man. Marriage is the most serious of all relationships and Gwendolen is foolish to deter... ..., Stoppard’s creation of Thomasina opens the door of opportunity in the world of drama for more women characters to be created with the same intelligence and respect in regards to love as well as academics. Works Cited Fleming, John. Stoppard’s Theater: Finding Order amid Chaos. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. Nadel, Ira. Tom Stoppard: A Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Osborne, John. Look Back in Anger. New York: Penguin, 1982. Stoppard, Tom. Arcadia. London: Faber and Faber, 1993. Thompson, Doreen. â€Å"Stoppard’s Idea of Woman: ‘Good, Bad, or Indifferent?’.† Ed. Anthony Jenkins. Critical Essays on Tom Stoppard. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. 194-203. Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Earnest. Peter Raby, ed. Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays. London: Oxford University Press, 1995. 247-307.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

John Adams :: essays papers

John Adams "The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." In three remarkable careers--as a foe of British oppression and champion of Independence (1761-77), as an American diplomat in Europe (1778-88), and as the first vice-president (1789-97) and then the second president (1797-1801) of the United States--John Adams was a founder of the United States. Perhaps equally important, however, was the life of his mind and spirit; in a pungent diary, vivid letters, learned tracts, and patriotic speeches he revealed himself as a quintessential Puritan, patriarch of an illustrious family, tough-minded philosopher of the republic, sage, and sometimes a vain, stubborn, and vitriolic partisan. John Adams was born in Braintree (now Quincy), Mass., on Oct. 30, 1735, in a small saltbox house still standing and open to visitors. His father, John Adams, a deacon and a fifth-generation Massachusetts farmer, and his mother, the former Suzanna Boylston, were, their son wrote, "both fond of reading"; so they resolved to give bookishly inclined John a good education. He became the first of his family to go to college when he entered Harvard in 1751. There, and in six further years of intensive reading while he taught school and studied law in Worcester and Boston, he mastered the technicalities of his profession and the literature and learning of his day. By 1762, when he began 14 years of increasingly successful legal practice, he was well informed, ambitious, and public spirited. His most notable good fortune, however, occurred in 1764 when he married Abigail Smith. John Adams's marriage of 54 years to this wise, learned, strong-willed, passionate, and patriotic woman began the brilliant phase of Adams family history that produced their son John Quincy, his son Charles Francis, his sons Henry and Brooks, and numerous other distinguished progeny. In 1761, John Adams began to think and write and act against British measures that he believed infringed on colonial liberties and the right of Massachusetts and the other colonies to self-government. A pamphlet entitled A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law and town instructions denouncing the Stamp Act (1765) marked him as a vigorous, patriotic penman, and, holding various local offices, he soon became a leader among Massachusetts radicals. Although he never wavered in his devotion to colonial rights and early committed himself to independence as an unwelcome last resort, Adams's innate conservatism made him determined in 1770 that the British soldiers

Friday, October 11, 2019

Interpersonnel Communication Essay

I have interviewed two individuals namely, Ana G. and Cleavon I. with regards to my interpersonnel communication abilities. They will speak about my behavior/attitude towards the following: 1) comfort with other cultures; 2) listening style & ability; 3) non-verbal communication style; 4) communication gestures that I typically utilize; 5) comfort in personal relationship; 6) power displayed or conveyed in the personal relationship I am involved in. The following are excerpts from the actual interview: First Interview (Ana G. ) Interviewer (I): â€Å"Could you please briefly describe my attitude towards individuals who belong to other cultures? Do I appear to be comfortable around them? † Interviewee (Ana G. ): I have been with you for about a year already, and being a member of a cultural minority myself, I am happy to say that your treatment towards people like us is beyond belief. You have treated us fairly and you never showed bias making it obvious that you are comfortable being with people regardless of their race or culture (Ana G. , 2007). Interviewer (I): â€Å"Please comment on my listening skills and abilities†. Interviewee (Ana G. ). I appreciate the fact that you are an â€Å"active listener† (Landsberger, 2007). You focus and you listen for the sake of comprehending whatever it is that the person is talking about (Landsberger, 2007). Interviewer (I): â€Å"Do I possess any non-verbal ability? † â€Å"Do I exhibit such communication style? † â€Å"Could you please shed light on the communication gesture/s that I typically utilize? † Interviewee (Ana G. ): Yes. In fact, I have observed how you establish eye contact towards the people you speak to. Maybe that is the â€Å"flow of communication is regulated† (Stein et. al. , n. d. ). This is also why I feel your interest, concern, and tenderness towards me (Ana G., 2007). Interviewee: (I): â€Å"Did you ever feel any comfort in my personal relationship with you? † Interviewer (Ana G. ): Yes, indeed, I have felt reassurance as well that you could be trusted and can be relied upon in times of need (Ana G. , 2007). Interviewee (I): My final question is this, â€Å"did you ever see or experience a power displayed or conveyed in the personal relationship I am involved in? † Interviewer (Ana G. ): The fact that I am drawn to speak or listen to you shows the â€Å"power displayed or conveyed in the personal relationship† (Ana G. , 2007). This is the type of power that is not abusive; instead it is exceedingly helpful on my part (Ana G. , 2007). Second Interview (Cleavon I. ) Interviewer (I): â€Å"Could you please briefly describe my attitude towards individuals who belong to other cultures? Do I appear to be comfortable around them? † Interviewee (Cleavon I. ): We belong to the same culture, but I have observed how you deal with those who belong to other cultures. You go along with them very well as if you don’t feel any kind of discrimination or intolerance of prejudice towards them (Cleavon I. , 2007). Interviewer (I): â€Å"Please comment on my listening skills and abilities†. Interviewee (Cleavon I. ): Even if you do not always agree with what others tell you, I am happy that you still listen in spite of such fact (Cleavon I. , 2007). I am contented enough that you take the time to listen and understand someone else’s side just like what you have done to me in the past few months that we have been working together (Landsberger, 2007). Interviewer (I): â€Å"Do I possess any non-verbal ability? † â€Å"Do I exhibit such communication style? † â€Å"Could you please shed light on the communication gesture/s that I typically utilize? † Interviewee (Cleavon I. ): Of course, you possess such. In fact, you have shown me this countless times already (Cleavon I. , 2007). Your facial expressions which include smiling made me feel that you like me somehow, that you are a true person & friend to me, and that you are happy conversing with me (Stein et. al. , n. d. ). I know that this is why we always carry out better communication as compared with my conversation with others (Cleavon I. , 2007). Interviewee: (I): â€Å"Did you ever feel any comfort in my personal relationship with you? † Interviewer (Cleavon I. ): Yes, in fact speaking with you and just being with consoles/soothes/relieves me always (Cleavon I., 2007). There has never been a dull moment with you and I greatly appreciate that (Cleavon I, 2007). Interviewee (I): My final question is this, â€Å"did you ever see or experience a power displayed or conveyed in the personal relationship I am involved in? † Interviewer (Cleavon I. ): Yes, I felt that ‘power’ when you speak to me (Cleavon I. , 2007). You inspire me to great heights; that is the power that you have over me (Cleavon I. , 2007). References Ana G. (2007). Personal Interview. Cleavon I. (2007). Personal Interview. Landsberger, J. (2007). Active Listening. Retrieved December 10, 2007 from